Sunday, November 30, 2014



This Chinese e-commerce company recently made big news for the biggest IPO in history, raising around 26 billion USD. The creator, Jack Ma, grew up in China around the time it opened itself to tourists, giving him valuable exposure to the world. Which is pretty much all he had. In 1985, a trip to Australia opened his eyes to the possibilities in China. He didn’t go to any exceptional university or company. Finally, in 1995, he was introduced to the internet by a friend. You won’t believe that he knew nothing about computers and had never sent any e-mail. That’s why he likens himself to a blind man riding on the back of a blind tigerFinding no data about China on Yahoo, he decided to register his own website under the name China Pages. The company competed with China Telecom for a while, and then accepted a joint venture offer from them for 185,000 USD – a lot of money to him then. But it involved being stamped on every step of the way. So he resigned and went to Beijing, following an offer to run a government group. In 1999, his dream to start his own company was realized – starting from $60000 and 18 other people – in the form of Alibaba.

It was a tumultuous journey from there, but since its going public, Alibaba seems to be flourishing.


Arduino provides a microcontroller platform and has come out as the basic device for making interactive objects which can perform variety of computing tasks. It is a compact package of the fundamental circuit elements, and so a kind of plug and play device.

Massimo Banzi, the inventor of Arduino, was a teacher at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea , Italy. He wanted his students to prototype the projects they designed, and that meant an introduction to electrical engineering. He sought to provide an inexpensive, efficient and easy way for students and professionals to create devices. This reduced the total expense by a number of times. Once again the idea had come out of the need for it.

Nine years later, Banzi is the CEO of Arduino—now a company as well as a device and a movement.

                                                                                                          By Rohit Gupta

These were just the few of a long list of famous brands that started their journey from nothing better than an idea and extreme desire and dedication towards ruling the whole world with that idea.

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